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The Mid-Atlantic Regional Moving Image Archive (MARMIAis a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation and access of movies and sounds that document the arts, history, and culture of the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region.


We define the Mid-Atlantic region as including Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. MARMIA offers discounted audiovisual archiving services to organizations and individuals holding unique moving images and recorded sounds in the Mid-Atlantic and acts as a collecting repository of unique moving images and recorded sounds of the Mid-Atlantic.  MARMIA’s collections include home movies, mixtapes, local news, found VHS-tapes, and more. Our largest is the WJZ-TV Collection, which holds thousands of hours of content created by Baltimore television station WJZ-TV ranging in date from the 1950s through 2000.

MARMIA is an access provider of this rare media through reformatting, exhibition, and educational programming provided to the general public and researchers. Digitized content can be viewed and downloaded for non-commercial purposes through our Internet Archive collection, Mid-Atlantic Media. Lastly, MARMIA is a promoter of motion picture film production and exhibition in the Mid-Atlantic region, assisting in teaching these technologies as STEAM principles to primary and secondary school students

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